
Update 3 Coronavirus

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau

Coronavirus situation / Update 3
17 February 2020

As a school we are continuing to monitor closely the situation with the coronavirus and what information is being provided by the (MOE) and the (MOH).  As you will appreciate the situation is very fluid and details are changing daily.

Latest update from the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ministry of       Health (MOH) / 15 February 2020

There continues to be no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand.

Travel Restrictions Extended

The restrictions which prevent foreign nationals travelling from, or transiting through, mainland China from entering New Zealand have been extended for a further 8 days. [until 23 February 2020]

New Zealand citizens, permanent residents and their immediate family returning to New Zealand will continue to be able to enter but are being told to self-isolate for 14 days upon their return.   Those that are required to self-isolate only need to do so for 14 days following their departure from China, and no longer.


Self-isolation registrations are encouraged and can be made through Healthline which has a free COVID-19 number available 24 hours a day, 7 days, to everyone for any COVID-19 related concerns 0800 358 5453


A reminder that COVID-19 is spread by people coughing or sneezing, close personal contact and coming into contact with an object or surface with viral particles on it (then touching your mouth, nose or eyes).

So practicing good hygiene, regularly washing your hands, and practicing good cough etiquette (maintaining distance, covering coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing and washing hands) is really important in keeping yourself and the community safe. 

Please remain away if you become ill.

MOH links

从中国大陆返回新西兰人士的自我隔离指南 – Self-isolation advice in simplified Chinese 

Care for one another

One of our new Strategic Goals at Middleton Grange is to Promote engagement, excellence, waiora and equity for all students.  Let us care for and support one another as well as all those in the wider community who are adversely affected by this virus.  If you have any concerns about how anyone is being treated please let me or the International College Director know. 

If you wish to contact myself or Colleen Steyn, International College Director, please do so via

In Christ


Mike Vannoort
