Alumni Profile

Izaac Wilson

I started at Middleton in 2012 in year 6, moving from Methven, a small town in Mid-Canterbury. In my final year at Middleton Grange, I studied Chinese, Business, Statistics, Christian Studies and Geography.  I loved all of my classes and thoroughly enjoyed my teachers, too. Graduating in 2019, I then went and worked for World Vision for 6 months, followed by starting my studies at Canterbury University.  I am Majoring in Chinese and Political Science and International Relations.  At the moment I do not know what I intend to go onto doing, however, I would love to spend some time overseas in China or Taiwan and then see where I am led to go from there.  It may be into a role such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Diplomacy or Border work and translation.  I am excited to see where I can go with my degree and where it leads me.  Can you expect something big from me? We will see.  I hope so and believe that if I follow my passions then I can make a change and difference (it may be something BIG)!