Catchment (Zone) & FAQ’s

Other FAQ

Do you have a SCHOOL ZONE?

Middleton Grange Zoning is determined relative to the boundaries of the other schools in the Christian Education Network (CEN). At graduating year students from these schools are encouraged to enrol at Middleton Grange for their NCEA years.

Addresses on both sides of boundary roads are considered within the catchment unless specified otherwise – see Enrolment Scheme

Click below for the relevant catchment area (see Enrolment Scheme for Grandparent Clause):

 Year 1-8 Catchment – Zone

Year 1-8 Catchment – Zone – Eastern Boundary

Year 1-8 Catchment – Zone – Southwest Boundary

Year 9-10 Catchment – Zone

Year 11-13 Catchment – Zone

Do you have OPEN DAYS?

Open Day Tours are advertised in local newspapers and are held in May. Bookings are essential and open at the start of Term 2. Please call 03 348-9826 and follow the voice prompt for enrolment information.

When can I enrol my child?

Enrolment application forms for the next school year open around May 1st. Closing dates are on the forms, but as a general guideline applications for Years 7-13 must be received by the end of May-mid June and for Years 1-6 close at or near the end of August. Enrolment Forms can be downloaded from the link above, or requested at reception.

If you have a pre-schooler you need to enrol them between May and August in the year before they turn 5. We do not have a waiting list for these children, nor are they given preferential entry if they attend Cornerstone Christian Early Learning Centres (link is external).

Why is there an application process rather than an enrolment process?

Our maximum school roll is governed by the Ministry of Education and for this reason we must limit the number of new pupils accepted into the school. Because we have a full roll, this unfortunately means that for many year levels we are only able to offer any places if another pupil leaves. We also cannot guarantee that places will be available to all children from one family in the same year. For more information on the selection process please click the Enrolment Information link above.

When will I know the outcome?

Letters are sent out in the school holidays following closure of the enrolment season i.e. July for Years 7-13 and October for Years 1-6.

There are three possible outcomes:

  1. Your child is offered a place. To secure the placement the enclosed acceptance slip must be signed by both parents (where applicable) and returned to the school, along with a deposit and completed Direct Debit.
  2. Your child will be added to the waiting list and we will be in touch with you if a place becomes available during the year.
  3. Your child is not offered a place for the next school year.

Can I reapply?

If your application has been placed on the Waiting List or is unsuccessful a new application must be made for every year you wish to be considered for a place. You may wish to keep a copy of your answers to the key questions on the application form in order to reuse them if necessary.

Do you offer Scholarships / Financial Assistance?

We do not offer any curriculum scholarships, however, in cases of financial difficulty the Middleton Grange School Board may make Financial Assistance available to a small number of students in Years 7-13 transferring to Middleton Grange School, or any families of students transitioning from year 6 to Year 7 within the school. Families who can demonstrate a strong preference for Christian education and who are facing significant difficulties in being able to meet the full cost of Attendance Dues may apply for Financial Assistance.  An application must be made at the time of the enrolment application. Application details can be obtained by contacting the school office 03 348 9826 or