MGS Performing Arts


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"I regard the theater as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being."
- Oscar Wilde.
"Drama is exposure; it is confrontation; it is contradiction and it leads to analysis, construction, recognition, and eventually to an awakening of understanding."
- Peter Brook
"Great theater is about challenging how we think and encouraging us to fantasize about a world we aspire to."
- Willem Dafoe


Wednesdays - 2:30pm

Y9 - 13

Acting is a sport. On stage, you must be ready to move like a tennis player on his toes. Your concentration must be keen, your reflexes sharp; your body and mind are in top gear, the chase is on. Acting is energy!

– Clive Swift

What we do

  • Classic Theatre Sports games
  • Practice of drama and performance techniques such as movement, voice, and use of space
  • Improvisation and working as a team

You will grow in

  • Confidence
  • Character
  • Communication
  • Relationships
  • Performance Techniques

Opportunities include

  • Theatre Sports Competitions
  • School Performances
  • Theatre Sports Tours to CEN Schools
  • Contribution to Performing Arts Events such as School Production, Prizegiving or Performing Arts Awards Evening
Theatre Sports is run by Mr Michael McCormack


Rehearsals as arranged in Term 1

Y11 - 13

“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon ’em!”

What we do

  • Rehearse and perform a play written by Shakespeare, with our own spin on the genre, setting and style
  • Weekly rehearsals in Term 1/2 in preparation for the competition

You will grow in

  • Confidence
  • Character
  • Communication
  • Relationships
  • Performance Techniques

Opportunities include

  • Competing in the Shakespeare Festival Competition
  • School Performances
Shakespeare Festival Group is run by Mr Michael McCormack – Reherasals as arranged once the group is formed

Performance Drama

While most drama performances are accessible through the curriculum subject (3+ performances a year for some year levels), there are other opportunities to engage in drama performance. These include:

  • Easter Performances

  • School Tours

  • Prizegiving

  • Performing Arts Awards Evening

Please contact Mr Michael McCormack to express your interest in these opportunities