
Middleton Grange School is a Y1-13 co-educational State Integrated Christian School. All teaching and relief staff must meet our Special Character requirements and demonstrate a willingness and ability to uphold the Special Christian Character of the school as a condition of appointment and are expected to be involved in our extensive co-curricular programme. Support Staff must be willing to uphold the Christian Special Character of the School out of respect for the School.

Middleton Grange School is a community. Many staff remain actively involved well into their retirement years and others whose career has taken them further afield return to visit or resume teaching here.

Permanent & Fixed Term Staff

Teaching and Management positions are advertised in the Education Gazette in addition to this webpage.
Administrative and Support Staff vacancies are advertised among the school community via email; and Seek as and when required.


Click to view teacher vacancies on Education Gazette:

Year 7-8 Homeroom Teacher

Science / Biology Teacher (Maternity Leave) 

Science / Chemistry Teacher Y11-13

Assistant Director International College 

How to apply

  1. Apply in writing including
    1. completed application form
    2. cover letter and
    3. CV
  2. Email to office@middleton.school.nz by the closing date and time indicated on the individual advertisement
  3. Candidates will be considered where the application form has been completed

Relief Staff

Please complete the application form below and return with your CV to the office@middleton.school.nz.

Relief Teacher Application Form 2025

You may make an appointment:

Relieving Years 1–6 Email Christine Buckley, Head of Primary School.
Relieving Years 7-13 Email Craig Utting, Associate Principal.