
Remote Learning Guidelines for Students Y7-13


Our philosophy or rationale hasn’t changed, that is, our priority is focused on students and families Waiora and Health and Safety.  We acknowledge that teaching and learning maintains its importance and must continue during this period of lockdown. However, we must embrace a ‘Flexible’ approach to learning, ensuring students experience a range of learning opportunities, as well as using a range of learning resources and media.  It is important for both staff and students to manage ‘On- Screen time’ during this lockdown period, so as to avoid ‘too much’ screen time which may be harmful to all our Waiora.

Student guidelines:

Proverbs 16:3

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”

  1. Prepare a workspace at home (dining table, study, bedroom, etc) from which you can complete your schoolwork.
  2. Be accessible and available to be ‘contacted’ within the first school day of the week to receive your instructions and work to be completed for the week from your teacher/s.
  3. You will be informed about how your work will be monitored and checked during the week and the completion date/time frame for your work.
  4. You will be told which day during that week and which specific subject period there will be ‘live’ contact between the teacher and your class (where appropriate for years 5-13) and told which contact format will be used (Teams, email, etc).
  5. Check your school emails regularly. i.e. at least once a day and reply as necessary.
  6. For Year 11-13 students re: NCEA: Teachers will be prioritizing learning topics/units of work/assessments for you and YOU MUST ensure you meet any authenticity and achievement/unit standard criteria is being met as per NZQA guidelines.
  7. Teachers will be endeavouring to provide flexibility in your learning activities where possible; on-line; written; reading; numeracy; physical/practical, etc.
  8. ‘Stay connected’ with your friends and teachers. Remember to ask for help and advice if/as required.
  9. If you do need to contact your teacher, try and make it during a normal timetabled period and only ever between the hours of 8.30am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday.
  10. Remember to look after yourselves (spiritually, physically, emotionally) and your family/whanau😊


Mr M Vannoort
