
Student participation in sport is an important feature of life at Middleton Grange School. The sports department strives to provide an environment that will complement and enrich the overall quality of all students’ sporting experiences. We believe involvement in sport provides an important avenue to learning things that can not easily be taught in a classroom. Ranging from social to highly competitive – there are sporting opportunities for everyone. MGS has two items of sports clothing that can be ordered through this link. They include a sports jumper and warm up top. Please see MGS Sport Clothing 2025 for sizing etc.

Whole School Events

  • Swimming Sports – Participation is optional for Y3-6, compulsory for Y7-8, optional for Y9-13
  • Cross Country – Participation is compulsory for Y3-10, optional for Y11-13 except those taking PE as a subject. These students must participate.

Primary School

Year 5 & 6 students participate in a winter sports programme during Terms 2 and 3. Students play in competitive travelling teams (rugby, soccer, netball and hockey) or the school based Kiwisport programme each Friday afternoon.

All Year 1- 6 students participate in two weeks of swimming lessons at Jellie Park. The children are grouped by ability and receive professional coaching to help them become more confident, capable and safer in the water.

Middle School/Senior College

All Year 7-8 students at Middleton Grange School must participate in sport. Most Year 7-8 sport occurs on Friday afternoons from 1:20 to 3:20pm, however, some teams practices and competitions may occur at lunchtimes, other days after school and on Saturdays. There are sport related options available for those who do not wish to play competitive or inter-school sport.
Year 9 – 13 students finish school at 2:30pm on Wednesdays for sport. Not all teams play on a Wednesday afternoon, however. Games and competitions may occur at lunchtimes, other days after school and on Saturdays. Students must be aware of this before signing up. While the school does not encourage Sunday sport competitions, in special cases exemption may be sought from the Principal.  Participation in sport is optional at this level.

Y9-13 Sport on Facebook

To keep up to date with any announcements or notices please use the link to friend Middleton Sport.